Supplier booking enquiry

Great news! A Groopeze customer has requested to book your item.

How this form works

Step 1: Review the request information below.

Step 2:Β Submit the form to respond to the request:

  • If you say ‘Yes’: The item will be marked as BOOKED and the customer will be informed straight away.
  • If you say ‘No’: The item will be marked as DECLINED and the customer will be informed straight away.
  • If you propose an alternative time: The new time will be sent to the customer straight away to consider and we’ll get back to you.

Step 1: Review request

Please review the details of this booking request:

Note: Do not take the booking if you do not have appropriate insurance in place.

How it works with us:

  • We’ll email you when a customer requests your item.
  • If you confirm availability, the system will let the customer know.
  • The group can then individually pay via our system.
  • Final group numbers are sent 3 weeks in advance.
  • We pay the Tuesday before group arrival.

Step 2: Accept, decline or propose alternative

Note: If you get an error when you submit the form, please refresh the page and try again. If it still doesn’t work, please contact

Search your destination and dates to start

How to book with us

Couple looking at a phone and smiling
Woman with organiser and sticky notes
Happy group of people

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